Community Development Fund

2024 Community Development Fund

Our Community Development Fund provides funding and support packages for trans and gender diverse Victorians creating peer support programs.

Recipient programs should aim to provide skills development, resources, and increase community connection for other trans and gender diverse Victorians.

Applications for the 2024 Community Development Fund are now closed.
Applications are closed
Frequently Asked Questions

Platformed Communities Funding

We have dedicated funding pre-identified for multiply marginalised trans and gender diverse communities. This funding is available all year-round, and programs can be run in conjunction with TGV or autonomously. To apply simply email:

Applicants should identify as one of the following, in addition to being trans and gender diverse:
- First Nations, Blak, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, or Indigenous
- Currently or formerly a detained or incarcerated persons
- Disabled
- Neurodiverse
- From a rural or regional community
- Sex worker
- QTIBPOC (Queer, Trans, Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour)
Email us now!