Affirmation Station is expanding!

FIND OUT MOREAffirmation Station is expanding!
Supporting your gender journey

trans day of visibility - March 31st

Trans Day of Visibility is an annual international celebration of trans pride and awareness, recognising transgender, gender diverse and non-binary experiences and achievements!

On 31st March celebrate with trans people all around Australia by sharing stories, starting conversations, and attending events.

Celebrate WITH US!

affirmation station is expanding!

We're creating Australia's first Integrated Gender Affirmation and Support Centre - a hub for social affirmation, creative therapies, events, and essential services, all under one roof. And we need your help!

Support us

who we are

We are Victoria’s leading body for transgender, gender diverse and non-binary (TGD) people. We are trans-led, working for, by and with trans communities to achieve better social, economic and health outcomes.

About TGV
supporting your gender journey

Transgender Victoria is Victoria’s leading body for transgender and gender diverse people.

We are trans-led, working for, by and with trans communities to achieve better social, economic and health outcomes. We represent trans communities by fostering connection, advocating for change and supporting trans people to lead full and meaningful lives.

Listen to our FREE guided meditation for trans folks!

Gender Diverse Advocacy Election Hub

Federal Election 2022

Ahead of the upcoming federal election, Transgender Victoria (TGV) on behalf of its members, the trans and gender diverse (TGD) community, has produced this election hub with resources and information on a range of issues relevant to TGD Australians and by inference LGBTIQ+ Australians.

We're Hiring!

Applications now open for a new CEO and other key roles

Apply now - General Manager


All our events are trans-centric, designed to foster connection, build community, and providing a welcoming space for all transgender, gender diverse and non-binary people.

See all events

Affirmation Station

Welcome to Melbourne's trans-led community hub. We run events, workshops, affirmation services, an opshop and creative therapies for TGD people, helping you connect with others and yourself.

Find out more

Peer navigation

Questioning your gender? Need some 1:1 support? Our peer navigators can help you explore your identity, understand your service options and answer any questions you have.

Learn more

Inclusion and Awareness Training

We offer industry-leading workplace training on TGD and LGBTIQA+ inclusion and service provision. Our training is developed and delivered by trans people with lived experience, ensuring an authentic and insightful approach.

Book now

Our Impact

FY23/24 was our biggest year yet, reaching well over 100,000 people through our advocacy initiatives. Click the link below to download our Impact Report.

Download our 2023/24 Impact Report
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